
Lavender belonging to the genus Lavandula which are grown as ornamental plants and for essential oil are small, branching and spreading shrubs with greyish green leaves and long flowering shoots. It is one of the best available plant for glowing skin. This beautiful purple flower has many medicinal and antibacterial properties and is often referred as The Little Purple Flower with Power. While purple is the color of royalty, and pink the color of youth, lavender is femininity all grown up. It represents refinement, grace, and elegance. Lavender holds a sacred place in nature, and with its violet flowers is often considered the most delicate and precious

The reason that it is so widely used is its massive range of applications, from food and fragrance to cosmetics and herbal medicines.This plant is full of essential oils that can have powerful effects on the human body and has the most unique and beloved scents in the world.

One of the problems with lavender is that it can grow and spread quickly, which is why it is considered a weed.

Benefits of Lavendar

  • The medicinal benefits of lavender are in treating anxiety, fungal infections, hair loss, and wounds.
  • Lavender oil has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties which helps to heal minor burns and bug bites.
  • Helps with digestive problems lavender is used to help relieve pain from headaches, sprains, toothaches, and sores.
  • The health benefit of lavender tea is its ability to induce calm. Lavendar  tea helps calm brain function by triggering chemical reactions in the nervous system.Drinking lavender tea before bed helps to achieve more restful sleep.
  • The relaxing effects of lavender are real and can be even used medically to treat anxiety.
  • Used in blooming gardens, aromatherapy oils and bubble baths  lavender has calming and relaxing benefits.
  • The chamomile, lavender and catnip have calming qualities that will help relax you before you close your eyes.
  • Take few drops of lavender oil and apply it to your skin, particularly on any age spots and massage your skin with it. Repeat this every day in the morning, after your bath and right before you go to sleep for spotless glowing skin.
  • Lavendar reduces stress, improves mood, promote restful sleep, lower skin irritation, prevent infections, reduce inflammation, eliminate dandruff, and soothe stomach bloating.
  • As a culinary element, it is used in salad dressings, honey, sauces, beverages, tea and as a flavoring spice for a number of cultural dishes. Lavender essential oil is highly sought after and widely available.
  • The antioxidant components in it can impact the endocrine system to lower the levels of stress hormones in the body.
  • Lavendar tea treats Sleep Issues like insomnia, apnoea and restless sleep patterns.This is closely linked to the flower’s impact on the nervous system, and can also help clear your mind of negative thoughts. It is commonly used in meditation.
  • When your skin is feeling dry or irritated, simply spray some of the infused water on the area and enjoy the quick relief that it provides. This can also work for chronic conditions like psoriasis, eczema, and acne.
  • Apply crushed leaves on wounds and injuries for quick healing of the wounds as well as to prevent the development of infections on them.
  • Apply the mixture of lavender flower to your hair. This will act as an effective shampoo and significantly boost the health of your follicle beds and hair.
  • The relaxing qualities of lavender, which come from its organic compounds and antioxidants, also help the heart by reducing blood pressure and easing the tension on blood vessels
  • The polyphenols found in lavender have a wide range of effects on the body. It can prevent the development of harmful bacteria and the accumulation of gas in the gut.
  • Lavender oil is a great scent for both women and men. You can either try adding pure oil directly to your skin, or you can dilute oil in water. If you’d like to rub the oil right onto your skin, try adding 2–3 drops into your palms and then rub mildly.


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